Driver Monitoring Done Right + Free Checklist PDF

Updated on July 04, 2024 by Alisa Cvilij

driver monitoring

Did you know the global on-demand delivery market is forecasted to reach around USD 83.82 billion by 2032?!

Those numbers indicate that the need for delivery drivers is growing daily. What this also means is that as more drivers are on the road, there is a bigger risk of their safety being jeopardized.


Such a risk should not be ignored but addressed, and the solution is simple and is known as driver monitoring.

By addressing, we refer to being aware of all the key criteria that must be included in driver monitoring. 

In this blog post, we’ll discuss all the important criteria relevant to driver monitoring that should be included in that aspect and how to do it correctly.

If you are interested in learning more about this, keep on reading.

Table of content

What is delivery driver monitoring?

What is a driver behavior monitoring system?

A guide on how to monitor drivers the right way

What are the functions of a driver monitoring system?

What are the benefits of driver monitoring? 

Can advanced software solutions help delivery companies monitor all of these criteria?


What is delivery driver monitoring?

Driver monitoring refers to a set of metrics delivery companies should implement to ensure successful work operations. If you are wondering why this is important, the answer is that driver monitoring is the essence of any delivery business, and without drivers being monitored, these businesses are likely to fall apart quickly.

Today, most fleet management systems include basic driver monitoring features. However, there's a growing trend towards more advanced systems that use AI facial recognition technology. These advanced features will likely become increasingly common in fleet management and everyday consumer vehicles in the coming years.

driver monitoring and driver live tracking at Track-POD

What is a driver behavior monitoring system?

A driver behavior monitoring system is a system that uses technology to keep track of and analyze several aspects of a driver's behavior. Here, we refer to how drivers act while operating a vehicle by such behavior.

Usually, systems like these use sensors, cameras, and other tools to get information like:

  • Driving patterns - to monitor how the driver accelerates, brakes, and maneuvers the vehicle.
  • Speed - to monitor the vehicle's speed relative to posted limits and road conditions.
  • Lane departure - to detect if the vehicle drifts out of its lane without signaling.
  • Driver attention - to monitor whether the driver is paying attention to the road, potentially detecting signs of distraction or drowsiness.
  • Fatigue - to analyze patterns of driving that indicate fatigue or drowsiness.
  • Aggressive driving - to detect aggressive behaviors such as rapid acceleration or harsh braking.
  • Adherence with traffic laws - to monitor drivers' compliance with traffic signs, stop signs, and other regulatory signs.

Delivery driver systems were designed to give real-time feedback about the driver. Also, they aim to detect driver unsafe behaviors and potentially prevent accidents. 

Also important is that systems like these can keep track of data for later review, which helps bosses and officials see how drivers are doing and make things safer. 

More and more, these driver behavior monitors are being built into new cars to make roads safer and reduce accidents caused by mistakes people make while driving.

A guide on how to monitor drivers the right way.

In driver delivery monitoring, several key parameters should always be monitored. Those parameters exist to ensure efficiency in almost all delivery operations. 

driver monitoring the right way

Here's a breakdown of these parameters:

1. Service time

Service time is one of the fundamental metrics in driver monitoring. This is important because this parameter detects how quickly deliveries are made once assigned. It is about when to pick up the package and how much it travels until it reaches the recipient's destination.

Delivery companies should track driver service time to see if they can meet their delivery tasks and where they can improve efficiency. 

Another interesting thing about this parameter is that it can show valuable information on drivers’ performance evaluation, demonstrating reliability and effectiveness in their delivery tasks.

2. Flow of work

The flow of work in delivery companies is like the rhythm of a dance; it must be cohesive and uninterrupted to be good.

It's about how smoothly everything moves from order to delivery. If there are bottlenecks or delays in the flow, it can slow down the entire delivery trajectory, significantly impacting driver delivery monitoring.

That being said, it impacts the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the delivery operations, such as efficiency, accuracy, operational insight, adaptability, and last but not least, customer satisfaction. 

3. Delivery delays

Delivery delays are also important in monitoring driver delivery because they indicate if some delivery processes have slowed. Such delays can occur due to bad weather conditions, traffic jams, peak holiday seasons, etc.

That said, delivery companies must minimize delays as much as possible because they can bring up unsatisfied customers, leading to extra costs.

It is essential to track down delays in the whole delivery process because it helps delivery companies anticipate problems and find faster ways to get deliveries where they need to go on time.

4. Time of arrival (ETAs)

The time of arrival parameter is self-explanatory and refers to when the delivery arrives at the recipient's destination. Successful delivery companies know how crucial this metric is for their businesses and customers to know when to expect their packages. 

Tracking this helps companies manage expectations and improve scheduling to ensure delivery arrives when promised.

5. Proof of delivery (POD)

Proof of delivery is yet another parameter in delivery monitoring because it confirms when a package has been successfully dispatched to the intended recipient. It shows that the package arrived at the right place and was received by the right person. 

Another important aspect of POD is that it ensures accountability and reliability in the delivery process because it verifies the delivery task's completion by the driver.  

In driver delivery monitoring systems, capturing proof of delivery (through signatures, barcode scans, or photos) is a critical checkpoint. 

Nevertheless, advanced software options like Track-POD allow delivery companies to get real-time proof of their deliveries.

6. Scanning barcodes

Scanning barcodes are the essence of smooth delivery operations in driver delivery monitoring. What this means is that this parameter tells companies how to keep track of packages as they move through the delivery process. 

Without scanning barcodes, delivery companies risk wasting time and dealing with delivery delays, which lead to inflated costs.
A barcode scanner helps with accuracy, speed, and ensuring each package gets to its destination without getting lost along the way - all with the help of a QR and scanning technology solution such as Track-POD.

Download the FREE driver performance checklist and make it easier to measure your delivery drivers' performance.

What are the functions of a driver monitoring system?

Driver Monitoring Systems also recognized as DMS, have performed numerous key functions that aim to improve driver safety and efficiency in vehicles, enhancing safety. Here is a glimpse of some of those key functions.

  • Monitoring driving behavior - a DMS can monitor a driver's behavior on the road.
  • Detecting driver fatigue and distraction - DMS can identify signs of driver fatigue, distraction, or other unsafe behaviors that could lead to accidents. Drivers can fall asleep or be unconscious, distracted by calling, texting, etc.
  • Sending real-time alerts -  DMS can provide real-time alerts to drivers when risky behaviors occur, prompting them to take corrective actions.
  • Recognizing driver facial features - Some DMS are designed with in-built features for facial recognition technology to identify the driver's face and monitor their attentiveness.
  • Compliance with safety measures - DMS can detect if divers comply with safety regulations and company policies, such as wearing seatbelts and observing speed limits.
  • Collecting data and analyzing - DMS is also designed to gather data on driving patterns, behaviors, and environmental conditions to analyze and improve overall driving performance.
  • Optimizing cost efficiency - DMS can optimize driving habits, which can later contribute to reducing fuel consumption, vehicle wear-and-tear, and maintenance costs.
  • Improving fleet management processes - DMS can help fleet managers monitor multiple drivers simultaneously, enabling better decision-making and route optimization based on real-time data.
  • Promoting a safe driving culture - DMS can promote safe driving practices and cultivate a safety-oriented culture within fleets and organizations.

All of that noted, we can only conclude that driver monitoring systems in the overall delivery management operations are crucial. They optimize several processes simultaneously, so besides the pivotal aspect of driver safety, they are very beneficial for operational efficiency and regulatory compliance in commercial and consumer vehicles.

What are the benefits of driver monitoring? 

  • Helping drivers to stay alert and prevent accidents by detecting fatigue, distraction, or other unsafe driving behaviors.
  • Monitor compliance with safety protocols, such as seatbelt usage and speed limits, to ensure drivers adhere to company standards and regulatory requirements.
  • Promoting continuous driver focus and safe driving practices, fostering a safety culture within the fleet.
  • Data from driver monitoring systems can be gathered to identify areas for driver improvement and used for targeted coaching or training to address specific challenges.
  • Identifying bad driving habits reduces fuel consumption and vehicle wear and tear, resulting in cost savings.
  • Real-time driver monitoring allows for future route adjustments based on traffic conditions or driver behavior, optimizing time management and increasing efficiency.

Can advanced software solutions help delivery companies monitor all of these criteria?

Yes, they can because they were designed to do exactly that. Advanced delivery software solutions play a vital role in addressing and optimizing all of the criteria we mentioned above, referring to driver monitoring. 

Once fully integrated, software like this can provide comprehensive oversight and control of most (if not all) delivery operations, including driver monitoring. 

  • They can optimize routing and scheduling algorithms to minimize driving and service time.
  • They can streamline the workflow from order processing to dispatch to delivery confirmation.
  • They can provide real-time visibility into driver locations and delivery statuses; these systems help managers proactively identify and mitigate delays.
  • They can predict and communicate estimated times of arrival (ETAs) to customers.
  • They can automate proof of delivery processes through electronic signatures, barcode scanning, or photo verification.
  • They can track package movements throughout the entire delivery process.
  • They can schedule the optimal number of stops and rest times during the route to not cause fatigue so the drivers aren’t overloaded with deliveries.

driver monitoring with Track-POD


As you can see, driver monitoring has numerous important criteria that all delivery companies should consider to achieve smoother delivery processes.

This is because delivery businesses would not exist without drivers to dispatch the deliveries. Using the criteria we mentioned above, monitoring drivers enhances not only the safety measures for drivers but also the optimal safety of the delivery company as a unit.

Besides cultivating a culture of responsibility on the road, the other benefits of implementing this criterion are leveraging real-time insights into driver behavior, reducing damage costs, and identifying any vehicle misuse. 

The list can go on and on - it depends on your delivery company to make the right choice when trying to monitor drivers (the essence of your delivery business).